Districts Are Coming Back to AHC!
On March 26 the Council Board voted to return the Council to 2 districts as a means of providing better service to units. Our current structure of having only one district has created a situation with a lack of personal connections due to the size of the geography involved. The hope is that bringing units together on a smaller scale will increase the exchange of ideas and the mutual support that the program should have. While having more than 2 districts would truly help with these goals, we don’t have nearly enough units (nor enough available funds) to justify more than 2.
The decision on dividing the Council is to group Chautauqua County and the part of Cattaraugus County west of Route 219 into one district, and group Potter, McKean, and Allegany Counties with the eastern part of Cattaraugus County. This appears to be the most equitable balance in terms of number of units while trying to minimize distances to a central location in each district.
Each district will need to be staffed with the following positions: one paid professional acting as District Executive (currently Mary Perrine for the eastern area and Britney McLain for the western side); a District Chair; a District Commissioner; RoundTable Commissioners; and chairs for any committees (activities, advancement, fund raising, etc.) that the district can implement.
At this time we are soliciting suggestions for volunteers to fill the district staff posts, and possible names for the districts. Please send those ideas in an email to Doug Cashing at dcashing@sbu.edu.
Doug Cashing
Allegheny Highlands Council Commissioner